How to Make a Cute DIY 21st Birthday Cake Topper + Link to Free Cricut File

We had so much fun celebrating the twins’ 21st birthday. And can I say how great it is to be able to go so many more places (read: rooftop bars, wineries and breweries) with my now-adult children? One of my favorite projects I did for their birthday celebration(s) was their 21st birthday cake. It turned out so cute and was really affordable compared to other cakes. The crowing glory on the cake was the 21st birthday cake topper I made with my Cricut Maker. Ok, well that and the martini glass of vodkas!

I started out ordering a plain cake from Metropolitan Market, a great chain of stores in the Seattle area with a terrific bakery and lots of great items. I asked them just for the basic cake. (“No, I don’t want the sprinkles. No, please don’t include the frosting flowers. No, I’m sure. Just the cake and the base frosting with ridges.”) I then purchased a variety of pink macarons and different sizes of sprinkles from Michaels, Hobby Lobby and some online stores.

For the top of the cake I bought a 9 oz. martini glass from BevMo. (You’d be surprised how hard it is to find anything smaller than 12 oz., including at our house. Must be the pandemic.) I simply added some sprinkles to the glass and added in some small airline bottles of vodka. Then I randomly smooshed in the macrons and sprinkled with my mix of interesting sprinkles.

For the cake topper, I ordered this rose gold glitter cardstock paper on Amazon and cut out Happy 21st on my Cricut. Super easy! Here’s the link to the 21st birthday cake topper Cricut file if you want to replicate it! I used these baking sticks from Michaels and attached them with a drop of hot glue.

I also purchased some rose gold foil and cut out a happy birthday banner, some table scatters/confetti and some cupcake toppers for another celebration they had a couple of days after their birthday. (Darn it, I forgot to take pictures of the cupcakes – must have been too busy sweating and decorating.) For the cute 21st birthday cupcakes I did essentially the same thing and requested some plain pale, pale pink frosted cupcakes from the store. I then added the remaining sprinkles on top and inserted the cupcake toppers.

The combination of rose gold foil and glitter really made everything pop and festive. Such a simple touch to make a big impact to our celebrations!