New! Caddis Progressive Readers

I was one of those women of a certain age who would wear readers, and when not in use, I’d wear them on top of my head. I sometimes forgot that they were there. And sometimes, when I’d bend over, they would fall to the floor (RIP drugstore readers). A friend told me about Caddis progressive readers, and I’m not overstating things when I say they are life-changing.

First of all, I dig this company. The models on their website are real people — not models or photoshopped to look years younger. There’s something that put me at ease purchasing for a company that showed women with the same crinkles around the eyes that I see in the mirror.

Here’s what they say on their website:

CADDIS is the anti anti-aging brand. That’s our stance. We want to have an open and frank conversation with you about how absolutely right on it is to be the age we are, right here and now. CADDIS is calling bullshit on 50 is the new 40, on the whole fountain of youth illusion, on the many industries that are profiting on vanity and fear of age, on the concept of “aging gracefully” and on the notion of raging against the dying of the light. Now is what we got, and now is pretty awesome.

How cool is that? That’s my kind of company. In a world full of companies trying to make me look younger, hipper, or just not as old, Caddis is telling me, “It’s okay, Mimi. Live your best fifty-something life. All the cool kids are.” As my kids say, I’m here for it.

So I ordered the Miklos progressive glasses in Raw Honey. I hemmed and hawed (do people still say that?) before settling on the Miklos. There were so many unique and stylish options. These are not your average drugstore readers. When I got the package, I was so impressed with the packaging. So well done. And that quote on the box? Love.

It took me a few days for my eyes and brain to get used to the progressive element of the glasses, but as they stated in their packaging literature, it quickly adjusted. I now don’t have to move my readers to the top of my head when I watch television or simply walk downstairs. Plus they look very fashionable and even my husband commented on them.

I’m loving them. In fact, I’ve purchased another pair. This time, I went out on a limb. Because you’re only as old as you feel. And these Caddis readers make me feel fabulous. I’ll share my new pair with you soon!